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Why the History of the Waldensian people matters to me...


Why does what happened in the 1200 century matter? Take notes, because undoubtedly history will repeat itself. The Waldensian people are to be a source of strength and inspiration to us.

In the 1911 edition preface of the book, "The Great Controversy", the author states the primary purpose of the book was "to trace the history of the controversy in past ages, and especially so to present it as to shed a light on the fast approaching struggle of the future." If you don't have in your possession this powerful book - please contact me - I will get one in your hands. Its one of those books you purchase 25 of in hopes of sharing it with people who may get as excited about it as

Here is an exert from that book, a deeper insight into the past history of a prophetic Christian spiritual movement of the Middle Ages.

"Amid the gloom that settled upon the earth during the long period of papal supremacy, the light of truth could not be wholly extinguished. In every age there were witnesses for God – men who cherished faith in Christ as the only mediator between God and man, who held the Bible as the only rule of life, and who hallowed the true Sabbath. How much the world owes to these men, posterity will never know. They were branded as heretics, their motives impugned, their characters maligned, their writings suppressed, misrepresented, or mutilated. Yet they stood firm, and from age to age maintained their faith in its purity, as a sacred heritage for the generations to come. The history of God’s people during the ages of darkness that followed upon Rome’s supremacy is written in heaven, but they have little place in human records. Few traces of their existence can be found, except the accusations of their persecutors…no church within the limits of Romish jurisdiction was long left undisturbed in the enjoyment of freedom of conscience. No sooner had the papacy obtained power than she stretched out her arms to crush all that refused to acknowledge her sway, and one after another the churches submitted to her dominion…

The persecutions visited for many centuries upon this God-fearing people were endured by them with patience and constancy that honored their Redeemer. Notwithstanding the crusades against them, and the inhuman butchery to which they were subjected, they continued to send out their missionaries to scatter the precious truth. They were hunted to death; yet their blood watered the seed sown, and it failed not of yielding fruit. Thus the Waldenses witnessed for God centuries before the birth of Luther. Scattered over many lands, they planted the seeds of the reformation that began in the time of Wycliffe, grew broad and deep in the days of Luther, and is to be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things for “the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 1:9"


Revelation, the book that reveals the future through signs and symbols tells us that this Roman papal power will once again rear up and join hands with the Protestants of America to “make America pray again”…a union of Church and State (ummm hello?..the God Bless the USA Bible...) in which the political powers of our day (in order to secure the favour of the people) will enforce religious mandates that are designed to pay homeage to the Beast. An act of worship by force, honoring the false Sabbath. God’s Word has given warning of the impeding danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. Like the Waldenses of old, let there be a people who will ever believe and obey the Word of God – for surely history will repeat itself and, “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus, will suffer persecution.”

Don't be discouraged my friends...we have promise after promise from our God reminding us that He can be trusted. And the free gift of His perfect peace for all who keep our eyes on Jesus. Maranatha!!

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